by Steve "Coach Fury" Holiner

Master DVRT, Senior RKC & Original Strength Instructor

Though I didn’t know it at the time, my career as a fitness professional started in June 2010 when I attended an HKC. My main goal at that time was to improve my swing and learn the Turkish Get-up. I was not a trainer at the time but I LOVED kettlebells. In September 2010 I went through my first RKC. As a birthday present to myself, I followed that up a month later with my first DVRT: Dynamic Variable Resistance Training certification (the program was called LIFT back then). Four years later, it blows my mind when I think about how much of an impact these two programs have had on my life.

sandbag training
In less then a month I get to teach these two amazing systems over the course of one weekend. I’ll be leading the first DVRT Level I and HKC Kettlebell certification combo on the east coast. This is a magic opportunity for me to share my love of these two systems to other trainers and fitness enthusiasts. By the way, I love when enthusiasts come to these things. Why? Because that is EXACTLY how I started. 
You see I worked in visual effects for over a decade. The sole purpose of my initial interest in strength training was to be strong and healthy for my kids. Since I wasn’t planning on becoming a trainer, I only pursued the things that I was personally SUPER passionate about. That’s what led me to the HKC, the RKC and DVRT. It was during my training for the RKC that I had decided to pursue this career switch and I’ve never looked back. The knowledge bombs Josh Henkin dropped about coaching at that first DVRT cert empowered me to feel more confident in training people. Within that 30 day period, I went from Bald Fury to Coach Fury. That passion is what drives me to this day. I’m not interested in chasing trends, I want to learn, use and teach the things that I whole-heartedly believe in. Better yet, I get to do this for a living now.

I’m often asked how these systems work together. The answer’s easy. They feed and support each other. In the HKC, we show people in detail how to coach the swing, goblet squat and the Turkish Get-up. These are some powerhouse moves that just about anyone can benefit from. We show you how to progress, regress and troubleshoot each movement.

In the DVRT system, we take the coaching aspect a step further and really look at how we coach or train people regardless of the implement. Don’t get me wrong we use the Ultimate Sandbag as our main tool, but the goal is to get people to move safely through various planes of motion regardless of the implement. We also look to make things more challenging by altering the stability of the person or the type of USB we use. DVRT Training is not about simply adding weight to the bar or grabbing a heavier kettlebell. That opened my eyes to a lot of things and had a dramatic impact of my coaching career.
sandbag rotational lunge
Combining the principles of the HKC (and RKC) systems with the DVRT is also very easy because we use very similar types of breathing and tension techniques. We also believe in quality of movement over quantity. Individually, both systems are very powerful. They are even stronger when used as two systems united by strength.

You don’t have to take my word for it either. A few weeks ago, Josh Henkin, Joe Chalakee, Troy Anderson and I got to teach over 40 of the Marines Semper Fit Trainers how to use these systems.
sandbag training
There are still some spots available for the DVRT and HKC combo on 11/1-2 at Catalyst S.P.O.R.T. in NYC. You can REGISTER HERE.

Come on down and let me show you first hand how what the DVRT and HKC have done for me.

-Fury out

Steve “Coach Fury” Holiner, DVRT Master Instructor, Senior RKC, Original Strength Instructor, is a proud member of the Ninja Army training staff at Mark Fisher Fitness in NYC. Fury is available for classes, semi-privates, instructor training and programming at MFF. He also has availability for private training at Five Points Academy and Catalyst S.P.O.R.T. Check out and Twitter @coachfury for more info.